OUT Scholarship 2018 is sponsored by J.C.Architecture, Dumas Design, Envision Engineering Consultants, Chen Interior,   Ahead Concept,  Ally Logistic Property.

OUT Scholarship started in 2015, helping design students around the world to dare to dream, and travel to see that dream realised.

OUT Scholarship

OUT Scholarship: Developing the young talent of Taiwan

The OUT Scholarship is sponsored in partnership with eight companies, OUT Scholarship 2015 is sponsored by JC. Architecture & Design, Dumas Design, Envision Engineering Consultants, Ally Logistic Property, Yangger Artist, J&NINIA, and AXILE who share a collaborative vision. The central purpose is to provide Taiwanese college students in architecture, interior and structural design with the opportunity to travel and observe the world from a young perspective, absorb wisdom, widen perspectives, enrich life experiences, and embrace an internationalized viewpoint to help inspire design.

Go OUT! And get 100,000 NTD Travel Scholarship

When the great architect Tadao Ando was a boxer, his travels ignited a passion for architecture. The OUT Scholarship is based on this encouragement, providing 100,000 NTD to fund a travel grant to a Taiwanese student in an architecture, interior and structure design degree program. The grant encourages students to travel out of the country or helps those students that already have plans to travel with the necessary aid to go even further abroad. The goal is for students to widen their perspectives, enrich life experiences, and embrace an internationalized viewpoint to help inspire design. By May. 15, 2016 students are required to submit an ideal destination and a reason for their choice. Also, they will have to share their inspirations and knowledge from the travel once they return.

邀學生分享旅遊計畫 得十萬旅遊獎學金

OUT Scholarship第一次發起於2015年。
OUT Scholarship致力於幫助台灣的建築相關設計系學生們,提供旅遊獎學金與專業建築背景老師等教導,集合所有力量及資源,帶領台灣學生出國旅遊並帶回更多啟發性的旅遊分享演講會。
這一次,我們大聲宣告:2018 OUT再度馳跑了!

OUT Scholarship 大觀點

建築大師安藤忠雄當拳擊手時,在旅遊中燃起了對建築的熱情。OUT Scholarship以此為發想,將提供新台幣10萬元旅遊獎學金,給台灣建築、室內、土木/營建工程大學生。OUT Scholarship深信出國旅行對一個人的幫助,不單單只是開闊眼界,甚至可以改變一個人的人生。一同參與 OUT Scholarship的台灣大學生如同我們伸出去的雙手,出國旅遊能夠使他們跳脫視野、拓展信息池。當台灣學生出國後看見許多問題若相同地發生在國外時,他們是如何面對與解決,這會激發學生們有無限的想法、提升思考邏輯,OUT Scholarship欲讓台灣大學生跳脫出時常安於現狀、接受既定的結果卻不嘗試改變的被動心態。設計與思考常常來自於改變世界的力量,我們期望他們出國展開旅行後心情與看法上能轉而欲積極改變現有的狀況,有一顆讓世界變得更好的野心。


學生們需要提出想要旅行的地點及主題並規劃出旅遊計畫就有機會獲得 OUT Scholarship旅遊獎學金,出國後也訓練學生的英文能力與國際溝通能力,當他們身處在他國空間時與各國溝通時能夠有良好的外交能力,透過主動積極觀摩與參訪方式促使彼此搭起一座溝通良好的國際橋樑。學生應嘗試主動讓自身與國際接軌並且挑戰自我全方位能力,把潛能發揮至最大。

OUT Scholarship 培養台灣競爭力下一代

2018 OUT Scholarship 柏成設計 JC. Architecture & Design, 大塊設計Dumas Design, 築遠工程顧問 Envision Engineering Consultants, 信德開發建設 Shinde Development Construction, 永聯物流開發 Ally Logistic Property, 楊格室內建築設計公司 Yangger Artists, 捷恩尼納 J&NINA, 達佛羅 AXILE Machine 共七家有共同目標遠見的設計公司組成。他們猶如學生們的生命導師般重要,將不吝給予指導也帶領他們朝向更國際化的思考方式。希望這些藉由獎學金出國的學生,歸國後把看到的東西分享給其他同學,藉由分享演講來提前培養他們組織公眾下能善的表達能力,有助於日後成為台灣有競爭力的下一代。

Be Part Of It!
