Taipei Shanghai City Forum 2018 - Visual Design / by Johnny Chiu



上海與台北,來自相同的東方底蘊,城市景觀也有許多相似之處,好比舊城廓的磚造街屋,市中心不斷拔高的現代建築,我們汲取老屋紅磚與帷幕大樓之顏色,以活潑鮮明的色調,輝映快速代謝、新舊雜陳的城市情境。循環永續本是沒有起點,沒有終點,不存在於單一時間軸上,我們發想自德國數學家莫比烏斯(August F. Möbius)的莫比烏斯環,將數學無限循環套上2018數字輪廓,結合雙城城市意象,以線條化、簡約化為核心思路,傳達本次「循環永續」的視覺概念。

Taipei Shanghai Forum 2018, JC Architecture redesigning the graphic image of another historical forum where the two cities come together.

As this year's theme evolves around circular economy, we focus on the idea of bricks (old) and glass (modern), redesign these two contrasting materials into a mobious strip, forever intertwining culture and future, together.
