JCA EVENT | Press Conference_BLOOM / by Johnny Chiu



「BLOOM」是由柏成設計與日本神戶牛皮協會KOBE Leather合作,在結合傳統工法和新科學技術下,創造出了如花綻放般的戶外休閒皮椅。


We are excited to announce that today is the press conference of “BLOOM” at “Not Just Library”! “BLOOM” is inspired by the blooming flowers in the field. That is, no matter where we are, we all can find such a cozy spot for us to relax and be ready to grow.

Through the collaboration with Kobe Leather, we combined the ancient craft and the latest new technology and created “BLOOM,” a leisure leather chair that can open and close freely like a flower.

Thanks for everyone’s coming. We are thrilled to share our latest design at our previous design work.

#BLOOM #KobeLeather #DESIGNART2021 #Tokyo #JCArchitecture #柏成設計 #JohnnyChiu #outdoorchair #outdoorfurniture #flower